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the first trimester of pregnancy中文是什么意思

用"the first trimester of pregnancy"造句"the first trimester of pregnancy"怎么读"the first trimester of pregnancy" in a sentence


  • 妊娠期的最初三个月


  • Any fever - related illness during the first trimester of pregnancy may carry a two - fold higher risk of offspring with heart defects , " the statement said
    这项申明说, “何发烧的疾病在怀孕的前三个月都有可能使婴儿具有双倍患心脏疾病的高风险” 。
  • The researchers point out that the concentration of relaxin in the blood rises during the first trimester of pregnancy , when a woman ' s heart rate increase by about 40 per cent
    原译文为:研究人员指出,当一名妇女的心率加快约40 %时,妊娠的头三个月间血液中耻骨松弛激素浓度升高。
  • New york ( reuters health ) dec 19 - carriers of a polymorphism of the cytochrome p450 enzyme are at higher risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy , karolinska university investigators report in the november issue of fertility and sterility
    纽约(路透社健康版) 12月19日? ?卡罗琳斯卡大学的研究者在11月号的《生育与不育》上撰文指出,细胞色素p450酶多态性携带者妊娠早期流产的风险要大一些。
  • " all pregnant women are recommended to receive influenza vaccination . the inactivated influenza vaccine is considered safe for use in pregnancy by the world health organization and there is no evidence indicating that the vaccine would induce developmental abnormalities in a fetus even if given during the first trimester of pregnancy .
  • Speaking at a press conference today may 26 , consultant community medicine of the centre for health protection of the department of health , dr thomas tsang said the inactivated influenza vaccine was considered safe for use in pregnancy by the world health organization and there was no evidence indicating that the vaccine would induce developmental abnormalities in a fetus even if given during the first trimester of pregnancy
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